Saturday, January 11, 2014

Life Lessons from PTSD Recovery

Here are some of the things I've learned in my journey to overcome PTSD:

  1. Goals are fine but progress is what really matters.
  2. Life is a journey, not a judgement.
  3. Baby steps are better than no steps.  
  4. Trying and not succeeding is far superior to not trying at all: you learn more from failure than success.
  5. Celebrate victories, but learn from failure: it may be the stepping stone to a future victory.
  6. The bigger the challenge, the sweeter the success.
  7. Assuming the negative is a sure-fire way to be unhappy.
  8. Don't assume: if you are unsure about intentions, meanings, ask.
  9. It is much easier to get help if you ask for it.
  10. Be grateful, inside and out.
  11. Breathe deeply.
  12. Enjoy people.
  13. It takes time for people to believe you have changed, grant them that grace.
  14. The neurons that fire together wire together (Dr. Rick Hanson): strive to welcome people, not doubt them (me).
  15. Savor the positive, learn from the negative.
I'd love to hear lessons others have learned in their journey!

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