Thursday, September 6, 2012


Bibliotherapy is helping yourself through books.  Here are a few of the books that have been helpful in understanding my PTSD and dealing with byproducts of having it.

"8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery" by Babette Rothschild
A short book jam-packed with helpful info on little ways you can work on overcoming your PTSD.  Much of the post on "What Happens When Bullied" comes from this book.  The book gives you hope and some actions that you can do alone or in conjunction with therapy.

"The Cow in the Parking Lot" by Leonard Scheff and Susan Edmiston
This humorous, gentle book is a great way to begin to look at anger and ways of overcoming it.  It is non-judgemental, concisely written and useful in becoming a less anger-driven person.

"The Book of Awakening" by Mark Nepo
The subtitle of this book is "Having  the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have."  This is a daily reading book where the author that explores all sorts of topics of the soul, using literature and experience.  It is very well-written and has opened my heart in so many ways.

Please remember that I'm at the beginning of my journey so these are just ones that I THINK will help; I'm still at the beginning.  I'll comment on the usefulness or lack thereof as I move through this healing.  The exception is the last one, which I've read for several years.  This book is a keeper wherever you are on your path.

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